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  • Gel Blaster Walk On Play



    Gel Blaster Walk On Play



    Gel Blaster’s are toy battle blaster’s that shoot biodegradable gellets that are small, colorful hydrating balls made out of super absorbent polymer.  These gellets are all natural, non-toxic, non-irritating, starch-based materials.  Gel Blaster wars are fun, exciting and enjoyable for the whole family! Perfect function for the little ones aged 6+

    ADMISSION: $35 


    Package includes:

    • 1 Hour of play time
    • 1 Rental Gel Baster
    • 1 Rental kids facemask
    • Includes 1600 gel pellets (2 Pods)
    • Exclusive Field Area

    Additional 800 gel pellets - $5

    No mess, doesn't stain clothing, water filled gel balls.


    What is Gel blaster?
    Gel Blaster is a new game that is like paintball and airsoft that shoot gellets.  The water in the gellets makes for lighter impact, without the pain and no mess.
    Is Gel blaster safe?

    Gel Blaster uses a polymer orb (gellets) that when soaked in water for five hours, becomes 8mm in size and disintegrates when it hits a target.  The impact is felt, but no bruising like paintball or airsoft!  They are bio-degradable and non-toxic.

    How fast do they shoot?
    Gel blaster shoot at a really fast rate of 90-240 fps and we control the fun based on age groups!
    How far does the orb travel?
    They are accurate up to 100 ft! They will be strongest the closer you are so most players stay spaced out as to not "feel the bump"
    Does it hurt?
    No It DOESN'T and it definitely isn't anything like paintball or airsoft, but you do "feel the bump". Players sensitive to impact games like nerf are probably not a good fit. We recommend ages 6+.
    Do the players have protection?
    Players will have a face guard. This item is required for all ages. It is included in game play as a rental. Most players love to "feel the bump", but if you have a shy or younger player, we recommend long sleeves and long pants as well.